
A collection of natural vegetable, fruit, plant and flower derived oils including Organic Oils that are NOP and IMO certified and Powdered Oils for unique forulas and textures. Arista also offers Essential Oils, Butters and Extracts. See attached Product Sheet for an entire list and be sure to include your selection in your request.

Product Offering includes:

Natural Oils Organic Oils Powders Butters
Almond Oil Argan Oil Amla Fruit Powder Avocado Butter
Aloe Vera Oil Black Cumin Oil Bamboo Powder Brazil Nut Butter
Babassu Oil Borage Oil Basil Oil Powder Chamomile Butter
Chia Seed Oil Processed Coconut Oil CLA Oil Powder Cocoa Butter
Coffee Oil Clear Evening Primrose Oil Castor Oil Powder Cupuacu Butter
Grape Seed Oil Pure Flaxseed Oil Fish Oil Powder Hempseed Butter
Kukui Nut Oil Hazelnut Oil Macadamia Oil Powder Illipe Butter
Marula Oil Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) Oregano Oil Powder Jojoba Butter
Neem Seed Oil Rosehip Seed Oil Pumpkinseed Oil Powder Kokum Butter
Rice Bran Oil Refined or Roasted 95/5 Safflower Oil Shark Liver Oil Powder Lavender Butter
Sea Buckthorn Fruit Oil Sunflower Oil Toasted Sesame Oil Powder Mango Butter




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